Ongoing collaborative effort to catalogue the books and periodicals mentioned in Anne Lister's journals.

This guide offers a starting point for understanding the language Anne Lister used to describe her sexual practices.

During Anne Lister's time, photography didn't exist, so people relied on artists for portraits. This brief article and spreadsheet compile records of portraits and likenesses of Anne Lister, her friends, and her family.

Ongoing collection of names of people (and animals!) referred by Anne Lister in her journals and letters to help contextualize her words as well as facilitate transcription work and subsequent research. 

Anne Lister's travel journals reveal her sharp and often humorous observations, reflecting her high expectations and critical view of the world. Read this collection of her travel reviews with specific locations and dates noted.

Visiting historically significant locations deepens our connection to the past. This spreadsheet compiles visitable locations from Lister's journal, providing a valuable resource for planning your own journeys.

Anne Lister's journal often includes passages written to friends, family, and business relations, offering glimpses into their daily lives. This spreadsheet compiles as much of her correspondence as possible, including notes, scraps, and letters.

Anne's correspondence features a rich variety of wax seals and stamps, each revealing part of their owners' personal histories. This brief article and spreadsheet compiles descriptions of the known seals used by Anne Lister and her correspondents.

This project aims at collecting all of Anne Lister's peculiar word choices and uses, which will help casual readers and researchers alike to better understand her through her journals, letters, notes and accounts. 

By collating mentions of Lister's own journals as well as references to the journals of others, we aim to gain a comprehensive understanding of the role that journaling played in Lister's life as well as gain additional historical context for the practice.

Anne Lister enjoyed music, viewing it as vital to a cultured life. She played several instruments, attended concerts, and participated in musical gatherings. This project compiles all aspects of Anne’s performing arts experiences, from private recitals and flute practice to theatre and concert hall visits. Learn more from presentations or contribute to the tracker below!

Anne Lister's extensive knowledge spanned many life subjects. This tracker aims to collect her various tips and tricks, offering a unique glimpse into 19th-century life, including remedies for ailments, doctors' prescriptions, and methods for easier outdoor work or household chores.

This project collects learning experiences documented in Anne's journal for the purpose of better understanding her education and endless pursuit of knowledge.

A project to collect references of Anne's commentary about religion, as documented in her journals.

Ongoing cataloguing of mentions of Ann Walker sketching or drawing across Anne Lister's journals.

A project to help surface interesting sketches and explanatory drawings from Anne Lister's journals to explore Anne's visual thinking. 

A collection of references to food and drink documented by Anne in her journals and correspondence.

This project aims at creating a resource that will benefit those who are interested in studying the fashion of the 19th Century

A project to collect references of the variations of Ann Walker's nickname used by Anne Lister and others.

Anne referred to her period as her 'cousin' and meticulously recorded when her cycle began. This project aims to create a resource that will benefit those interested in studying women's health in the 19th Century.

Anne meticulously documented bowel movements (or lack thereof) when it came to tracking her health, and that of others. This project aims to collect those details to gain a better understanding of 19th-century beliefs and Anne's own personal health.